Estate & Letting Agents Association of United Kingdom
'Membership of ELAA-UK provides so many benefits it's a MUST for all agencies'
(Extract from summary of All UK Agents report February 2019)
Anybody looking to sell or let their property really should use a member of the Estate & Letting Agents Association UK.
- Article from: Home Buying and Selling
'An association for agents that really provides added value'
- AllUKAgents survey (Jan 2019)
'The No.1 association that home sellers would recommend'
- UK HomeSellersSurvey 2019
"We advise all home sellers to use an ELAA-UK member to sell their home; it ensures that their agent is reputable and trustworthy. It costs the vendor nothing but could save them a lot of stress and could even help them achieve a higher price for their home"
- Home Sellers Advice Service
To find out more about the statements above and their sources please contact us at:
Why join ELAA-UK
A proven increase in revenue
Improved brand image
Show your potential clients that you are a professional and experienced agency dedicated to providing them with a far superior service than most other agents
Receive the latest in-depth ELAA market reports and analysis
Free access to our professional partners including Legal specialists, marketing advisors, HR advisors, business consultants, accountants, book-keepers, anti-money laundering advisors, IT specialists & many more
Receive updates on the latest property news, legislation and regulatory requirements
Free access to ELAA publications including 'ELAA-UK News', 'Property Expert', 'UK Property market', 'ELAA-UK Magazine' and 'The Business Times' (published by Hawoo Business Consulting)
Advice on all aspects of running an agency
Advice and support for your business, staff and clients available 24/7
Receive free copies of all ELAA consumer leaflets for your clients (including digital copies for you to download, upload to your website or send directly to your clients)
Free marketing materials including window stickers, digital copies of our logos for your stationery, email signatures and marketing materials, guidance and information leaflets for your staff, consumer leaflets for your clients, membership certificate and listing on our website
Have your voice heard; With ELAA regularly discussing matters with the government and other organisation you can help shape and reform the industry by contributing your views and opinions
Benefit from our planned new nationwide, multi-media advertising campaign
Receive discounts exclusively for ELAA-UK members.
Public awareness
As the fastest growing estate and letting agents association in the UK combined with our planned new nationwide, multi-media advertising campaigns being rolled out soon ELAA-UK is THE association that home sellers, buyers, landlords and tenants want to see that you are a part of.
Our new advertising campaigns are planned to feature a celebrity chosen by both members and the public to feature on most of our marketing materials and advertising videos, they will further emphasise the benefits and importance of choosing agents registered with the Estate & Letting Agents Association UK
We also have a number of local advertising campaigns and activities planned including 'family fun days' - to request for us to organise an event in your area please contact us and we will ensure that your local clientele is aware of your business and the benefits of using an ELAA member.
When joining ELAA-UK
Once your branch joins ELAA-UK we shall provide you with a free welcome pack including:
You shall also receive login details allowing you access to ELAA-UK online services, these include:
Once you are an ELAA member you get access to free digital copies of all our publications and leaflets.
All of our promotional materials are free to our members and we shall regularly send you more leaflets and marketing materials so you always have enough to provide your clients with the information they need. If you need any other marketing materials or have an idea you would like us to consider to help promote either ELAA or your business then please contact us.
Copyright © Estate & Letting Agents Association of United Kingdom (ELAA-UK). All rights reserved.
ELAA-UK, the ELAA-UK logo, the ELAA-UK 'Swirl' logo, the terms 'Estate & Letting Agents Association UK' and 'Estate & Letting Agents Association of United Kingdom' are all trademarks of ELAA-UK
EAAUK, the EAAUK logo, the EAAUK 'Swirl' logo and the terms 'Estate Agents Association UK' and 'Estate & LEtting Agents Association of United Kingdom' are all trademarks of ELAA-UK
*Planned new advertising campaign is expected to start during 2020, please contact ELAA-UK for further information at:
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